One Of The Most Developing Sectors Other Than Agriculture Is Real Estate. While The Market Is Growing At A Constant Rate, There Remains A Shortage For Both Rural And Urban Residences. To Cover Up This Shortage, Many Renowned Companies Are Coming Up With Their Grander Projects. One Trustworthy Company That Has Established Its Reputation In This Sector Is RAMPRASTHA GROUP. It Has Been Working Since Five Decades And Is Still Continuing To Contribute To The Real Estate Market. Some Of Its Impressive Projects Are Gurgaon Ramprastha City, Skyzramprastha City, The Edge Towers, The Atrium, The View And Others.
One Of The Marvelous Pieces That It Has Come Up With IsRAMPRASTHA PRIMERA, The Project That Offers All The Luxuries That Are Needed By People For World Class Living. Located In The Most Developed Area Of Gurgaon, Sector 37D; The Project Proposes 3BHK Air Conditioned Apartments With Size Of 1700 Sq. Ft. In India, People While Buying A House Consider Many Factors Like Status, Comfort, Luxury, Affordable Rates Etc. The Project Is Designed To Offer All These Features In This Splendid Project Of The Company. Being In India, This Is The Best Place Where A Person Can Get World Class Living With All The Modern Age Amenities.
The Main Feature That Will Surely Attract People Is The Greenery In The Campus. The Lush Greenery All Around, Gardens, Play Areas For Kids Will Surely Add Up To The Advantages Of The Project. Another Limelight Of The Proposal Is That It Is Located At Pataudi Main Road, Which Makes It Easily Accessible To Metro As Well As Indra Gandhi International Airport.
This Is The Project Residential Projects Gurgaon That Will Enhance People’s Lives In A Positive Sense. This Is The Opportunity For People Not To Be Missed In Any Case. An Ostentatious Home, Trustworthy Company, World Class Luxuries, What All A Person Needs! People Should Definitely Come And Avail This Wonderful Opportunity As An Opportunity Knocks The Door Only Once. This Will Surely Bring A Change In Their Monotonous Lives And Fulfill Their Dream Of A Beautiful us at 9599363363.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Emaar MGF Ekaantam Sector 112
EMAAR MGF EKAANTAM-Another Contestant In The World Of Real Estate. A Company That Has Proved Itself Since A Long Period Of Time. A Company That Believes In Best For Its Consumers And Obviously In Procuring Long Term And Cordial Relationships With Its Customers. Not Only This, EMMAR GROUP Believes In Making Your Lifestyle Enjoyable And Filled With Excitement.
Gurgaon Being The Epitome Of Changing Lifestyle Has Tried To Innovate And Comprehend The Modern Lifestyle And The Dynamic Living Patterns. With Beautiful And Magnificent Greenery All Around And Making The Experience Worth Living The EMAAR MGF EKAANTAM Provides Apartments With Comfort Level At Its Peak. The Flats Provided Are Available In ¾ BHK Sizes And Even Penthouses Over 2500 Sq. Ft. Which Are Spread All Over. The Company Has Been Serving Its Customers Since A Long Period Of Time At Take Away Prices.
We Are Aware Of The Fact That In This Hectic And Busy Life All We Demand Is A Place Which Is Adorable Yet Full Of Restoration Traits. Gurgaon, The Region Which Is Developing Faster Than Other Areas, Provides Us With The Best Housing Facilities. Many Established And Prominent Companies Are Vying With Each Other To Grab The Topmost Position In The Market. Due To This Scenario There Is An Increase In The Demand Of Residential Apartment Buyers And All The Credit Goes To The Real Estate Players. There Efficient And Commendable Effort Has Been The Reason Of The Appraisal Of This Sector In Gurgaon Specially. EMAAR MGF EKAANTAM Is One Of The Players And Is Doing All That It Can With The Latest International Standards Blended With Indian Living Style.
There Are All Amenities Provided. You Name It And It Is There. Some Of The Facilities Are Swimming Pool, Kid’s Recreation Centre, Gymnasium, Basketball Area, Golf Club And Many More Tempting Services. The Amenities Provided Are Much Cheaper As Compared To Other Areas. The Buyers Are Ready To Pay Extra To Augment Their Living Standards. It’s A Lavish Living With 3 To 4 BHK Apartments And Duplexes And Penthouses. That Is What We Really Want Today In Our Lives. Many Facilities Of Residential Projects Gurgaon Like Shopping Malls, Hospitals, Schools, And Recreation Areas Within One Complex. In Today’s Time An Ideal Luxurious Abode Which Identifies Your Standard And Can Be Perceived As A Status Symbol Is What The EMAAR MGF EKAANTAM Apartments Are For.
The Company Has Paid Extra Attention To The Capabilities Of The Middle Class Families. For It Can Be A Little Difficult For Them To Acquire A Dream House So Therefore The Bank Loan Facility Can Help Them To Fulfill Their Dreams Of Owning A Home Like This. A Wonderful Experience And A Trance Abode, The Company Aims At Providing The Best And Fulfilling The Wishes Of The Customers.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Maria Sharapova Tower
Good news for all those enthralling and diehard fans of MARIA
SHARAPOVA. London based real estate player, in association with the
sports icon, MARIA SHARAPOVA is shortly opening a luxury residential
project in Gurgaon. The company has secured some of the Indian players
HALVORSON & PARTNERS to shape the venture.
The MARIA SHARAPOVA TOWER GURGAON facilitates the customers with unmatchable and splendid amenities. The flats are 3 side open ones with high quality and sophisticated marble flooring, dinning, lobby, and wooden laminated flooring in all bedrooms.
The project is located in Gurgaon and the company being a novice in this field in India specifically has done a lot of research and concluded to endorse the venture in this well known locality. This alone shows how much Gurgaon has developed and is centre of attraction for such highly accomplished international projects. And on top of it MARIA SHARAPOVA TOWER being the brand ambassador is not a mere thing. It speaks volume as such an eminent personality is endorsing the venture. It takes so much of responsibility as the venture is named after her and the customers are going to seek to project after her name. so the authenticity is not at all to be questioned.
Maria Sharapova said, “ I am proud to be associated with Homestead and support the brand’s philosophy and inspiration of human architecture. I am convinced that a brand like Homestead with this new exciting residential project will change the way residential places are created today, in India.”
With good ventilation and 3 sides open areas in apartments the company wants to expand its business in other countries like Saudi Arabia, Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh. The headquarters are in South Asia. The kitchen walls are separated from washroom walls as the company strictly follows VAASTU guidelines and this a very unique and distinct feature as the masses today demand this and follow the rules.
The other facilities include RO plant in every kitchen, natural light to brighten rooms in an eco friendly manner, solar water heating systems and other basic facilities. Not only this, the company aims at live life king size theory. The fact that such a celebrity is involved in this venture makes it more worthy and expectations automatically increase regarding the infrastructure. A promise of innovative, high profile, suitable, contemporary yet Indian mix with all time requirements of Indian masses is what the company focuses at. The bona fide statement or certificate of genuine validation is not a big deal as MARIA SHARAPOVA is a part of the project
The MARIA SHARAPOVA TOWER GURGAON facilitates the customers with unmatchable and splendid amenities. The flats are 3 side open ones with high quality and sophisticated marble flooring, dinning, lobby, and wooden laminated flooring in all bedrooms.
The project is located in Gurgaon and the company being a novice in this field in India specifically has done a lot of research and concluded to endorse the venture in this well known locality. This alone shows how much Gurgaon has developed and is centre of attraction for such highly accomplished international projects. And on top of it MARIA SHARAPOVA TOWER being the brand ambassador is not a mere thing. It speaks volume as such an eminent personality is endorsing the venture. It takes so much of responsibility as the venture is named after her and the customers are going to seek to project after her name. so the authenticity is not at all to be questioned.
Maria Sharapova said, “ I am proud to be associated with Homestead and support the brand’s philosophy and inspiration of human architecture. I am convinced that a brand like Homestead with this new exciting residential project will change the way residential places are created today, in India.”
With good ventilation and 3 sides open areas in apartments the company wants to expand its business in other countries like Saudi Arabia, Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh. The headquarters are in South Asia. The kitchen walls are separated from washroom walls as the company strictly follows VAASTU guidelines and this a very unique and distinct feature as the masses today demand this and follow the rules.
The other facilities include RO plant in every kitchen, natural light to brighten rooms in an eco friendly manner, solar water heating systems and other basic facilities. Not only this, the company aims at live life king size theory. The fact that such a celebrity is involved in this venture makes it more worthy and expectations automatically increase regarding the infrastructure. A promise of innovative, high profile, suitable, contemporary yet Indian mix with all time requirements of Indian masses is what the company focuses at. The bona fide statement or certificate of genuine validation is not a big deal as MARIA SHARAPOVA is a part of the project
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Michael Schumacher World Champion Tower
An epitome of beauty, a portrayal of one of the most splendid ventures in India, the MICHAEL SHCHUMACER WORLD CHAMPION TOWER presents a new vision and tries to give a new definition to the flourishing business of real estate. Established in sector 109, Gurgaon, the company, for the first time in India puts forth a new theory and evolves a new visualization.
The tall structure consists of 100 flats in totality. Spread over 500 acres the venture is situated in one of the most posh localities of Gurgaon covering neighborhoods like SHOBA, ATS, and CHINTEL etc.
With best amenities provided the company caters facilities like swimming pool, high tech club, gym, air conditioned VRV systems and high rise floors 34. Not only this, the most exciting news of the hour is that many known and eminent personalities are already booking apartments in advance. Accomplished with a sophisticated helipad facility on rooftop makes it more attractive. The company is making its efforts to provide superlative degree standards with international touch.
METHOD, MODE, VOGUE, INNOVATION, DESIGN, STYLE, ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY, NOVELTY, MODERN APPROACH and many other adjectives have been clearly used and properly witnessed in this project. The company serves the biggest and the most popular and demanded efforts and believes in endowing the customers with the unsurpassed architecture. Michael Schumacher World Champion Tower the known formula one legend provides and aims at providing best quality living.
The unmatched and on the top efforts of the company can be seen without much effort. The apartments make us feel what peace and restoration is all about. Nonetheless, making living a better experience with comfort at its peak and makes the neighbors’ envy your status symbol is what the company aims at. The apartments are not only appealing to the eye but also alluring in all aspects of infrastructure and its fascinating and charismatic supreme quality designs. An opportunity which cannot be missed and is surely the “BESTEST” deals in town.
Friday, 8 March 2013
DLF The Aralias
DLF Limited, is India’s largest real estate company in terms of
revenues, earnings, market capitalization and developable area. It has
over 60 years of track record of sustained growth, customer
satisfaction, and innovation. The company has 399 msf of planned
projects with 56 msf of projects under construction.DLF’s primary
business is development of residential, commercial and retail
properties. The company has a unique business model with earnings
arising from development and rentals. Its exposure across businesses,
segments and geographies, mitigates any down-cycles in the market. DLF
has also forayed into infrastructure, SEZ and hotel businesses.
DLF The Aralias is a dream come true for discerning customers who
want nothing but the best.DLF offers a range of options in its
residential business portfolio to suit the specific needs and demands of
different customer segments. With the growing aspiration and
affordability levels of customers, the Group has in the recent past
focused in the high-end premium and luxury condominiums. This is
exemplified by its property Aralias.
DLF Aralias known as one of the most prestigious
places to live in Gurgaon. DLF aralias are high rise residential
apartments and an address of choice commanding rentals and resale values
that are among the highest in the National Capital Region. DLF Aralias
is the high-end premium and luxury condominiums overlook the 150 acres
of Golf Course and Aravalli Hills. DLF Aralias gives you a refreshing
feel of staying in the middle of Asia’s best Golf Course.
The idea was to identify an exclusive community of like-minded
residents who would be proud to own a high-end apartment having world
class facilities. The complex features a club with excellent facilities
such as a modern gym, tennis court, swimming pool, etc. DLF Aralias
complex has 4 multi-storey towers having 268 apartments. Golf Course is
at your doorstep and nearby big malls and cafes are just short stroll
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
The Verandas Gurgaon
Welcome to Verandas, Luxe apartments by SALCON. The
Vast, airy spaces characterise Verandas. All rooms open out to reveal a
veranda. Also, every unit has access to a large terrace garden.So get
closer to nature, and mingle over leisurely daytime brunches or under
breath-taking starlit skies. Even when you step outside, The Verandas
Club lounge and restaurant are yours to unwind. And the Central
Landscaped gardens are perfect for grand celeberations. Strategically
located on the Dlf Golf Course Road, one of the most sought after
destinations for Quality Housing in Gurgaon today. Each home has
balconies that span the length of either side of the home, providing
greenery and open spaces and all of them include at least one terrace
space per floor. Apartments come with two staff rooms and a large
utility balcony.
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Vatika-The sovereign apartments
within the safe and green confines of a
mini-city whose leafy avenues are open to residents only. Revel in the
thoughtful planning that makes every apartment a miracle of aesthetics
and convenience, beauty and simplicity, elegance and perfect finish. Go
to bed every night knowing that you have made the choice that best
reflects your status and keeps your family healthy and secure..
The concept behind Vatika The Sovereign
Apartments is to create an atmosphere for dwelling, so exclusive, that
the discerning few destined to live there would have the pleasure of
acknowledging everyday that they live in a setting that truly befits
them and their lifestyles.
Located in Vatika City, these air
conditioned apartments are widely acknowledged as a world-class
development, Sovereign is a truly distinguished address within Gurgaon’s
largest and best planned gated community.
Amenities in Vatika Sovereign Apartments
Project has various modern amenities
like Swimming Pool, Play Area, 24Hr Backup, Maintenance Staff, Security,
Intercom, Club House, Cafeteria, Library, Gymnasium etc.
About the Neighborhood
The Project is located in Sohna Road.
Within distance Between 15km to 20KM from the project we have Airport
like International Airport, . Within distance Between 10km to 15KM from
the project we have Railway Station like Iffco Chowk, .
Vatika Group aim to
create spaces that enable you to focus on the things you consider
important – whether it is building a business, growing a family,
connecting with friends, or simply finding the time and space to pursue
your dreams. They believe in delivering value to all our stake holders
by creating products and services that enhance the value of life.
Luxury Projects
Today, when you open the news paper to view the new project launches,
every developer talks about Luxury Projects and how their project is
different from the others, how do you as a consumer reach a viable
conclusion to see if the project being offered is really truly Luxury
Project or is it just a nice advertisement. How do you assertain if the
developer has the capability to deliver a good quality project? How do
you figure out if the developer has the intent to deliver a good
quality luxury project? All these questions are what we help you answer
and help you reach a decision which is viable and in your interest.
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Unitech Karma Lakelands Gurgaon
Unitech Karma Lakelands is an
exhilarating environment offering a particularly high quality of life.
It showcases to what heights art and composition can aspire. Unitech
Karma Lakekands is located at Sector 80 in NH-8 Gurgaon. Unitech Karma
Lakelands offes the 4BHK
and 5BHK Luxury Villas Apartments in Gurgaon. It will be truly
appreciated by those already reaping the rewards of their significant
achievements. Such exclusivity is rare and in suitably high demand.
Friday, 1 March 2013
Super Luxury Projects Gurgaon
Gurgaon Projects are the Authorised Channel Partners of all the reputed developers of Gurgaon namely DLF city,Golf Course, Sohna Road.We have various real estate options like original Booking, Buying or Selling available in both residential and commercial domain depending upon the budget an investor or end user is taking into consideration - from super luxury to affordable category properties.So you need to just let us know your budget, purpose of buying a property – investment or end use, property retention time horizon, desired size of accommodation within the budget, locational preference, developer preference, etc and we will suggest you a suitableoption which meets the above mentioned parameters as suggested by you.Needless to say that we focus on post sale services to ensure that you are taken care of till the time property gets into possession. Also, if you are an investor, we assist you in reselling the properties once investment potential in the said properties gets saturated.We are focusing upon properties or projects on DLF city, Golf course, Sohna Road and all the new, upcoming sectors of gurgaon.
Living amidst the green environment in an open
apartment offering comfort and lifestyle amenities is these days
considered as a future lifestyle trend and aspiration. Taking into
consideration this trend, Tata Housing – the premium luxury real estate
developer, has launched its new residential gated community project
“Gurgaon Gateway”, in Gurgaon Sector 113 on Dwarka Expressway. It has
productively preserved a green areas reserve within the project offering
peaceful and heavenly living experience to the residents.
Tata Gurgaon Gateway Sector
113 Gurgaon is the only project that offers luxury with a
lifetime experience of living amidst a green surrounding. Tata Gurgaon
Gateway new luxury project Gurgaon is strategically located on Dwarka
Expressway, which has become one of the most favorite residential areas
in Northern Gurgaon because of its ideal location and stable
Housing new residential project Gurgaon Gateway brings you 2, 3 and 4
BHK apartments. Planned with great attention to detail, Gurgaon Gateway
taken graceful living to the next level. The attentive design optimizes
the available space, while making sure a smooth flow of natural light
and air. Quiet elegance is the feature of this project. It is your
personal superb world away from the disharmony of metropolitan living.
And yet you are opportunely close to services and amenities.
Tata Gurgaon Gateway
apartments on Dwarka Expressway with playgrounds, large parking lots,
internet connectivity and recreational areas will set new standards in
Gurgaon residential projects. Enjoy individual space and social living
all together. The superior design of Tata New Project Gurgaon Gateway is
maintained by sound infrastructure that utilizes advanced technology.
The broad open skies are continuous by wires and cables, which have been
laid underground. Ecological accountability is accomplished with
eco-friendly systems in the residential project.
Tata Gurgaon Gateway located at Sector 113
Gurgaon on Dwarka Expressway. This residential project is well connected
to major landmark of Delhi & Gurgaon by upcoming metro station and
close vicinity from Delhi border. Dwarka Expressway is centrally located
destination that offers good connectivity to well-developed suburbs and
Delhi, Tata Housing are already seeing strong customer interest for the
project given the strategic location, distinctive project planning with
lifestyle amenities.
of all, it presents a panoramic view of the lush green surroundings.
Tata Gurgaon Gateway Dwarka Expressway clubhouse not only offers great
fun & event space, but caters as a friendly social gathering spot
for residents.
for more details visit us at:
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